5 Festival Outfit Wishlist For Women

August 5, 2021

Festival Fashion is a category no one had actually thought possible until a few years back Yes, many of us did go to or visited different festivals but a trend was going to be born our of it seemed ludicrous as the time. Well, it certainly wasn’t and considering all things, its here to stay. Today, multiple brands and companies are supporting festival clothing and are celebrating it. The global pandemic may have slowed down things a little but festival clothing is here to stay. In this post, we will take a look at the some of the best 5 festival outfits that every women should have in their wardrobe.

1. Knee-high lace up boots:
Knee high lace up boots are the perfect staple for a fest. You can pair these nicely with any flowery dresses or pair it with a themed outfit to look like the diva you are. Ensure that you try and test out any knee high lace up boots before getting them and take your time to wear into them. The last thing you need is an uncomfortable ensemble during a festival to ruin your mood and the fun around. You can choose different varieties available in the market, doesn’t matter if it is with dark colors or undertones or light. Looking for good deals on footwear? Head to Hot Mess UK and get up to £12.50 off on latest footwear.

2. Short pants:
Oh, can you ever go wrong with short pants? Short pants are a blessing for festivals and perfect for any parties, not to mention they don’t take up a lot of space in your luggage. The goal at any festival you head to is to definitely turn heads around but at the same time be mindful of how the dress code is as well. The last thing you need is to be blamed or given looks for misappropriation due to a thing as basic as short pants. Now, if and how you decide to get short pants into your whole ensemble, make sure to have one statement piece that is trendy and mix that along with some basics from your closet.

3. Bohemian dresses:
A bohemian dress works just about any festival you hit up at. This is one true staple that stays well in sync with any festival ideas. At times better than shorts, tops or pants, it is relatively simpler to just go with dresses and bohemian dresses work great in this regard. Since festival fashion has come into picture, floaty bohemian dresses combined with western accessories has stood the test of time and make for a seamless and timeless look. The boho element is what will make you a standout. With Bohemian dresses, its more about how and what you are accessorizing with that matters. Looking to zap up your style and wardrobe this season? Head to Bang Good and get up to 40% off on fashion clothing.


4. Long jeans:
Remember the 80’s vibe, them long jeans and long unbraided casual hair? That was a minimal effort and maximum comfort thing, not to mention a style statement that rocked that decade. Festival fashion is all about replicating a new creative look that could be original or borrowed from old times. A bralette combined with a cardigan and finished off with ripped jeans makes for a cute party and festival outfit. You can even pair your retro jeans with maybe an airy blouse, some heel sandals or booties to recreate that casual summer look. You can consider yourself a mascot even for keeping alive the hippie spirit. Some accessories like chokers, wide-brim hats can just accentuate your look even further.

5. Knit Dresses:
Being creative in festivals is something that is not only appreciated but also taken inspiration from. Festival fashion is all about getting your creative juices flowing in terms of being a standout and being in the best spirit of the festival you are going to. Guessing you are now thinking it would have been a good idea keeping your crochet blankets from your old days. You could have just used to make an amazing outfit for yourself for a fashion festival. Knit dresses with color contrasts always look better in person and complements all the vibe checks that you may come across.

Enjoying the festival and turning heads is exactly what you are out there for. Better make the most of it and what better way to impress than make use of creative outfits. There we have a list of the 5 best outfits that you ought to have in your Wishlist and wardrobe if you are out looking for festival fashion.